How It Works
Any participant information and other nonpublic information acquired, created, or used in good faith by the Physicians’ Health Program and the Arkansas Medical Foundation shall not be subject to discovery, or subpoena in a civil case. No person participating in good faith in the operations of the PHP or the AMF shall be required in a civil suit to disclose any information or opinions, recommendations or evaluations acquired or developed solely in the course of participating in the PHP’s or AMF’s activities. All information acquired, held, and transmitted in any fashion to the PHP and AMF will be held in compliance with Federal and State regulations. The AMF complies with Federal Confidentiality Regulations 42 C.F.R. Part 2.
The process begins when an employer, family member, patient or co-worker confidentially reports concerns about a health professional. Self-reporting by the health professional is also encouraged.
The PHP/AMF Medical Director and/or Program Director attempts to verify reported behavior. If the behavior is not verified, the process is halted and the information is held for further inquiry.
The referred healthcare professional is asked to make an appointment for an interview with the AMF Medical Director. In exchange for support, the healthcare professional is invited to follow the recommendations of the AMF in seeking specified evaluation/treatment at his or her own expense.
All evaluation/treatment is carried out in an approved hospital or treatment facility that specializes in the treatment of healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals affected by substance use disorder, emotional or behavioral conditions are treated with an initial evaluation and possible prescribed inpatient treatment and/or intensive outpatient therapy.
Re-Entry into practice usually occurs with one to two weeks following treatment. During this period, the AMF is often the healthcare professionals strongest and sometimes the only ally. The AMF Medical Director and Program Director work closely with the treatment facilities recommendations to establish contractual ground rules for re-entry into practice.
Aftercare can be an up to five year process. It is guided by an individualized contract, compromised of recommendations of the treatment facility. The AMF offers guidance and accountability in the recommended aspects of each participant’s recovery.
Seek Confidential Help

Contact us if you have been board-ordered or are volunteering to participate in the physician health program.
Mon – Thurs: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- 501-224-9911
- Contact Us